Thursday, December 4, 2008

New Pictures!

So, way back in third grade, a new girl moved into my class. Our teacher asked me to show her around and help her out. We've been friends ever since. By sixth grade we were inseparable, sharing a love of Reese's Pieces (it was the 80's!) and Little House on the Prairie. For the last 25 years or so (OMG!) we've been in and out of touch. Now we chat via email and Facebook and connect every year or so when she takes portraits of the girls. She is amazingly talented and is so patient with the craziness that ensues when she tries to get three adorable, brilliant, and active children to sit still, look at her, keep their eyes open and smile all at the same time. The day after Thanksgiving, we went to her new studio donning American Girl Christmas dresses. I told the girls to bring their dolls along to be in some pictures, too. I didn't tell them that I had the matching doll dresses in the trunk. The proofs are ready. Humor me and take a look. How will I ever choose?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like we need a code and password to view!?! :)

Can't wait to check them out.