Thursday, January 28, 2010

Homework Time for Little Hands

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Papa called...

And he wants the $33 from his purple purse back.

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Monday, January 25, 2010

Lesson Not Learned

So, for those of you who don't know, American Girl makes a doll "girl of the year". It's a big deal every January 1 at our house to see what she'll be like. She's exclusive, you know. Only around for 365 days. This year, they have to have her. Lanie. She loves nature and has beautiful blond hair. Understand we already have nine American Girls. I'm a little horrified to admit it, but they really are great. The quality is fantastic. My girls really do love them, and they play with them A LOT. And they really have learned a ton of history from the books. So Diana and Laura have been earning and saving since January first. Do we need another doll? No. Do I see the value of wanting something and working hard to earn it? Yes. Am I thrilled that the two who fight the most are happily working together toward a goal? Totally.

Saturday morning found them just about $15 short so I had them washing windows to earn some cash. Next, I set them onto the bathroom "pretty drawers". The ones where we have several thousand hair accessories affectionately called "hair pretties" since Diana was very little. I'm sure you have these drawers at your house (although you may not be so lucky if you don't have three girls). Tacky plastic bead necklaces are tangled in giant knots. There's toothpaste gluing barrettes together. Floss is unraveled and woven between brush bristles. And on ballet days, I have to dig through it all to find the one hair elastic that actually has elastic still and a few bobby pins to put girls' hair up. About thirty seconds into the job, just as I was settling down with my second cup of coffee and the newspaper, much hooting and screaming came from the bathroom. In an old purple purse, they found cash. No one remembered putting it there. No one claimed it (although Steve tried hard). Who knows how long it's been there or where it originated from. Doesn't matter. There was lots of hugging and yelling. Then the counting began. I'm just hoping the whole time it's a number that divides evenly by three...and it does. Perfectly. The little divas found $33 in there! Enough to order Lanie. There goes the lesson about hard work to earn what you want. Next time you need a little cash, check the pretty drawer in your bathroom. Apparently it pays.