Sunday, November 23, 2008

Piano Recital

We love Diana's piano teacher. Not only does she do a great job teaching piano, but she knows how to put on a recital. They're so different from the hours long nightmares I remember (and I'm sure my parents do, too!)as a kid. We meet at a local church at 10am. Everyone brings finger food to share. The teacher welcomes everyone, and the students get up one at a time, play their pieces, and it's over in about 20 minutes. (Steve reported that this fall's recital was three minutes shorter than last spring's. Maybe because one kid was sick.) Then we eat and visit. Yesterday we were out of there by about 10:40. It was great, and Diana did an awesome job. She played "Church Bells" and something else I can't remember. Check her out.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


Last night was my favorite night of the month. Moms' Night Out. On the first Friday, (or maybe the third Saturday, which it had to be this time) of every month, seven of us get together for a long evening of food, drinks, and conversation. I look forward to it all month long and enjoy every minute of it while we're out. Allison, CB, Mary, Sarri, Carrie, and I were in a playgroup started by our friend Andrea eight years ago when we all had newborns. We began with one baby each, and over the years friends have joined and friends have left. Years ago, Judy joined, and stayed. Currently when we all get together, there are 17 children, 7 moms, 6 dads and another dad will officially join us in January. What a celebration that will be! It's rare to have an actual playgroup anymore. There's just too many of us, and it gets really crazy. In the summer, it's easier when we can barbeque and let the kids run around outside. There's the annual back to school breakfast in pj's, Christmas gift exchange, and often Halloween and Valentines Day celebrations, if someone's feeling especially brave and inspired. But, Mom's Night Out is a monthly must. The core six of us moms have remained, endured, stayed longer than the rest. We get together religiously. People ask what the name of our organization is. People ask when we meet. The truth is we're not an organization and we don't "meet". We're just seven women who have been through a lot together. Motherhood brought us together, friendships developed and support remains. There couldn't be a more diverse group. Most of these women I wouldn't be friends with if it weren't for playgroup. We are an organizer/personal trainer, a nurterer, a talker, a fashion advisor, a comedienne, a listener and a free spirit. Besides motherhood, life over the last eight years connects us. We have supported each other through two divorces, a wedding, many, many new babies, ballet, three cancers, swimming lessons, anxiety and depression, soccer, pregnancies, infertility and miscarriages, hundreds of car pools, and several family members fighting addiction. Where would I be without these women? Curled up in the fetal position, maybe. Okay, probably not, but a lot lonlier and crazier, for sure. Having such strong women as a support system makes me a lucky one. Only two things were missing last night. Carrie, it wasn't the same without you! And, when and where's the next MNO? Thank you, girlfriends!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Anna visits!

Diana's got a great friend in Roseburg. They met at Mom's school and really connected during their adventures in Spain. Diana got to spend a night at her house in September, but we've never really gotten to know her. Yesterday Anna's family was in town for a swim meet. Anna swam in the morning and spent the rest of the day with us while her brother swam. They had a terrific afternoon! It was fun listening to them play American Girl for hours. I had to take Mary and Laura out, of course, since they kept "ruining" the big girls' games. We had a good time, too, shoe shopping, looking at Pier 1, going to Starbucks...Luckily when we got home, everyone played together beautifully. Here they are playing happily, then crying when they heard Anna's mom was on her way.

Friday, November 7, 2008

I must be insane.

You know, I've had an awful lot of free time lately. Feeling a little bored and restless. Not enough to do. What I need is another job, right? Mom of three, caregiver of six, half time middle school teacher, student teacher supervisor, clothing boutique salesgirl/barista...So, what do I say when the head of the ed department at Linfield asks me to teach a class next semester? You already know the answer. I said yes. Officially I'll be the instructor of EDU 280, Introductory Middle and High School Methods. Yikes. The course description says something about adolescent development, instructional strategies and classroom management. Sounds easy enough, right? Sure, now find a textbook, write a syllabus for a 15 week class, learn how to use CatNet, a Mac, a Kindle...double yikes. At least I've got until February to get it all figured out! Don't get me wrong. I'm really excited. I can't wait to meet my 10 sophomores for their first real ed class. Seriously, I must be insane.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


All afternoon I racked my brain for someting to post tonight. Eventually I decided there was nothing noteworthy to record. About an hour ago, however, I realized I was very wrong. The girls, Steve, and I had been checking the map of the United States online for all evening. We watched carefully and excitedly as grey states turned to red and blue. Diana and I sat down just after 8:00 with bowls of chocolate ice cream and looked again. I was amazed by my reaction when I saw that 333 electoral votes had ended two years of campaigns and questions about our country's future: I got teary. For the first time in my life, we have a president of my generation. We have an intelligent, vibrant, dynamic, young father to whom I can relate as the new leader of our country. Race played no part in the decision for me. Age did. I didn't realize how strongly I felt about the election until it was over. I am hopeful. How can we expect one man to create world peace, fix the economy, end global warming? Somehow tonight it seems possible. Tomorrow, next week, next month, or next year when the rush of patriotism wanes, reality will settle in. Tonight, though, I'm so proud of my country.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Diana Dances the Tampico

I'm not actually sure if it's "the" tampico or just tampico. My patheic Spanish fails me. I'll have to ask one of my girls which is correct. Anyway, in honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, all the third graders learned Costa Rican and Mexican dances. The girls got to wear beautiful, ruffly circle skirts that flutter and float and twirl and wave. Stay tuned for Part II: Josh doing the Mexican Hat Dance. FYI, Diana's in the yellow skirt under the basketball hoop. Her great friend Maddy is in blue, and Zelma, in purple, is in the front row.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Here they are finally! My happy, healthy and adorable trick-or-treaters!

Happy Halloween!

Here are my six happy, healthy, adorable trick-or-treaters! Enjoy!