Saturday, October 4, 2008

Soccer Mom

Even though the only thing Sarah Palin and I have in common is our gender (thanks for the quote, Anne!) and her "folksy charm" horrifies me, when she (over)uses the phrase "soccer mom", she is referring to me. I am the epitome of soccer mom, and I am proud of it! I spend most afternoons shuttling Diana and Laura to practices and games, which are never at the same place, but are often at the same time. But, that's not the point today. Today the point is Diana. Yesterday I stood in a total downpour on the sidelines jumping up and down and cheering as she scored a goal and nearly scored about five others. I was having an amazing time and so was she. She was drenched, muddy, laughing, playing her hardest and totally in her element. I guess probably the biggest reason she amazes me is that she's so different from me. Anyone who knows me even a little gets that. Running, especially in an athletic competition, during a total downpour, is the last thing on my list of fun things to do. Okay, it's not even on the list. Not even close. You couldn't pay me to do it. That's why, when Diana begged me to sign her up for soccer three years ago, I gave her the big lecture about how, when she was part of a team, she'd need to stick it out, no matter what. I was assuming she's like me and would hate it the first day. How wrong I was! Reality check. I don't know everything about my girls. Ouch. Anyway, today's point is that I am so immensely proud of Diana I can hardly believe she's my kid. Thank goodness for good Denney genes! She is a really good little soccer player. I don't think I'm just being biased, either. She was one of the top scorers on her team the last two years, and she can really hold her own with some boys on the field. That's another thing I love about her athleticism. She is not afraid to join the boys' game at recess. In fact, I think they even invite her to play sometimes. In school, it was always down to me and the kid in the wheelchair when captains were picking teams. No joke. I especially love that Diana and Josh have soccer in common. They will play one on one for hours after school in the front yard. In fact, last night when we were driving home, soggy, but happy, the person she wanted to talk to about the game was Josh. I suggested she call him, but she wouldn't. Nauseous yet? I promise Soccer Mom Me won't rear her head again for a long time. I can't help myself. I'm just so darn proud.


Unknown said...

My darling daughter, I have to say that nothing makes me prouder than being not the swim mom, the piano mom, the band mom, the Linfield Mom, but being the Teacher Mom. Having you walk in our footsteps was an awesome moment for me and to see you at work in the classroom brought me to my knees. A wee note from me, The Mom, is to remind you that Grandma Lois was an athlete(I love all the Denneys just the same), and while she just didn't manage to pass the ball thing onto us, she would be greatly excited to think she had some small part in her great-grandaughter life. So, hey, Soccer Mom, I love you bunches. Mom

Paige Lomas said...

I love that you see this in Diana and totally respect her for it. She is a great kid and I really miss seeing her and talking with her everyday.

scottishval said...

But no photo of my favourite footballer, sorry soccer star?

Kendra said...

I'm not sure what was sweeter, the wonderful writing and depiction of one of my favorite little girls, or the beautiful e-mail from Mama Barb to Mama Teresa...two more of my favorite people!