Thursday, January 8, 2009

New Name, Please

Okay, friends, I need some help here. When Diana and I sat down at the computer in March to try blogging, I just typed in "Denney's Blog" to get us started. I always planned to change it to something witty and clever as soon as the idea came to me. Guess what? Nothing has come to me. I also didn't really expect that blogging would turn into a regular hobby like it has. I've had a few ideas, but nothing came together just right. I thought about something to do with a parenting three girls/princesses/daughters...I thought about something to do with "Days of Our Lives" (which I have loved since high school and whose life isn't soap operaish now and then?)... I've tried to be alliterative with my first and last name...Nothing's right. So, I'm hosting a "Name My Blog" contest. The Grand Prize is: nothing. Not really. You'll win bragging rights as the namer of my blog. Put your thinking caps on. Let the competition begin!


Paige Lomas said... they come to me...
Denney's Den
Denney's (not the restaurant silly)

Girls Gone Wild
Girls, Girls and More Girls
(Ok, you might get some not so great hits, but they do fit your household, in a sweet way)

Anonymous said...

Denney's Daily (or near-Daily)...I AM the queen of good intentions and plan to post daily but it doesn't often happen!

I don't know...this IS hard!

Judy said...

Denney's Dirt


Vic said...

Little House in the 21st Century
Raising American Girls
S & T plus 3
Denney's Domestications
Mini-vans RULE
Do You LIKE it?

Kendra said...

The Daily Denney Dish
The Denney Dish
Denney Five
Denney Days
Days with the Denneys

Trying to stretch my creativity a little! xoxo