Sunday, November 16, 2008


Last night was my favorite night of the month. Moms' Night Out. On the first Friday, (or maybe the third Saturday, which it had to be this time) of every month, seven of us get together for a long evening of food, drinks, and conversation. I look forward to it all month long and enjoy every minute of it while we're out. Allison, CB, Mary, Sarri, Carrie, and I were in a playgroup started by our friend Andrea eight years ago when we all had newborns. We began with one baby each, and over the years friends have joined and friends have left. Years ago, Judy joined, and stayed. Currently when we all get together, there are 17 children, 7 moms, 6 dads and another dad will officially join us in January. What a celebration that will be! It's rare to have an actual playgroup anymore. There's just too many of us, and it gets really crazy. In the summer, it's easier when we can barbeque and let the kids run around outside. There's the annual back to school breakfast in pj's, Christmas gift exchange, and often Halloween and Valentines Day celebrations, if someone's feeling especially brave and inspired. But, Mom's Night Out is a monthly must. The core six of us moms have remained, endured, stayed longer than the rest. We get together religiously. People ask what the name of our organization is. People ask when we meet. The truth is we're not an organization and we don't "meet". We're just seven women who have been through a lot together. Motherhood brought us together, friendships developed and support remains. There couldn't be a more diverse group. Most of these women I wouldn't be friends with if it weren't for playgroup. We are an organizer/personal trainer, a nurterer, a talker, a fashion advisor, a comedienne, a listener and a free spirit. Besides motherhood, life over the last eight years connects us. We have supported each other through two divorces, a wedding, many, many new babies, ballet, three cancers, swimming lessons, anxiety and depression, soccer, pregnancies, infertility and miscarriages, hundreds of car pools, and several family members fighting addiction. Where would I be without these women? Curled up in the fetal position, maybe. Okay, probably not, but a lot lonlier and crazier, for sure. Having such strong women as a support system makes me a lucky one. Only two things were missing last night. Carrie, it wasn't the same without you! And, when and where's the next MNO? Thank you, girlfriends!


Anonymous said...

Awww...I got a mention, although I'm still not sure I actually started that playgroup. I'm glad that whatever we started way-back-when has resulted in such amazing friendships and support.

So, I have to Allison the comedienne???

Sarri said...

Ok, so I have been trying to figure out who is who! I have most everyone nailed down, but I am not sure about the talker/free spirit/nurturer. Spill it!
Love, The Comedienne