Here are a couple more pcitures just for fun...
We cannot reply to email although we can read it fine. So...
Beth, there's a phone box thingy in Michele's room. It's between the window and the play kitchen. Check to see if it got unplugged before you call the phone company. Maybe it got bumped somehow.
Allison, we were teasing Diana about Broen yesterday. She turns a cute pink color whenever we mention his name so we do it lots just for fun. Later she said to me, "You know I don't really like Broen, don't you Mom." I told her I did know that and for her "It's all about Josh." Then she turned her cute shade of pink, giggled and said, "Yeah, you're right." Love it!
Now I also get the treat of seeing Betty and Jimmy playing around with the girls (Mary, Laura AND Teresa)at bedtime!
Glad you are having fun! Can't wait to see more pictures and hear more stories soon! Tell Diana that Maddy got the postcard and loved it.
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