Sunday, June 22, 2008


Okay. It's summer. I'm officially taking my blog back from my 8 year old. Rest assured. I will be asking her for help regularly! Speaking of Diana, she has just finished her second full day in Madrid with her grandparents. Getting her packed and ready was stressful for me, to say the least. I didn't sleep much the nights before (okay, or after really) she left, but I came through mostly unscathed (Allison's word). And to quote Mark Twain, one of my favorites, you know, "The tears lay very near the surface..." She has left a couple of teary messages on the answering machine, but my dad reports via email that she is doing great. Here's her latest email to us:

I miss you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I got a n-e-w new spainish dress! It is blue and white. The blue ispolka dots. The skirt goes almost to the floor and has 4 rows ofruffles. It is very floofy. and I love it!
Today we went to an art museum and to the royal palace. The palacewill be closed Monday because the king will be there for a ceremony.

Having her leave home to go so far for so long has left me very pensive. As a mother, I hope I'm giving my girls strong wings to fly. Watching one actually do it is humbling, to say the least. Be safe and absorb it all, my precious girl!

On a lighter note, the four of us will be spreading our wings on Thursday when we fly off to rainy Scotland. We're taking a laptop with us and I'm hoping to post regularly from there. Sarri, you inspire me!


Anonymous said...

I hope that you have a great trip! Sounds like Diana is off having some amazing adventures of her own!

Keep blogging...I've got you bookmarked now! :)

Paige Lomas said...

I got a postcard from Diana today! too cute and very thoughtful! thanks!

Judy said...

Oooh, I love that I have another blog to read now! And you already made me tear up! Have a wonderful trip, Denney family--just as your daughter is doing!