Friday, July 30, 2010

Some of my Favorite Photos...

There are lots of great things about visiting my inlaws in Gold Beach. It's beautiful. The home cooked food is delicious. The girls get to play with their cousin hunting newts in the creek in the backyard. It's very quiet. My mother in law refuses to let me help with anything. That gives me time to do things I can't seem to squeeze in at home. Like sorting through and organizing old photos on my laptop. So, here are my favorite photos of our fabulous trip to New Jersey a whole month ago. Better late than never!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Summer Fun!

I suggested a little dish soap in the pool...

Monday, July 19, 2010


After months of waiting, Mary and Laura's special trip to Victoria,
BC, has arrived. They left on the train this morning with Baba and
Grandpa for a grand adventure. Such grown up, sweet girls I have! I'll
miss them dearly, but I'm so excited for them to take this huge step
toward independence. I can't wait to hear the stories they'll tell
when they come home next week!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Making Their Live Theater Debut

In Snow White and The Eight Dwarfs

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Meeting Jon Scieszka

One of the best things about vacations are the unplanned, unexpected surprises. A favorite memory for the girls and I from our New Jersey adventure was meeting children's author, Jon Scieszka (it's pronounced 'sheska', I was happy to learn). For those of you who don't have young children or aren't reading teachers (seriously, I doubt there's anyone who reads this that doesn't fit into one of those categories!), Jon has written about thirty books for kids. His most popular are The True Story of the Three Little Pigs, The Stinky Cheese Man, and the Time Warp Trio series. My quest for coffee late one morning ended at a Starbucks inside a Barnes and Noble in Princeton. As we were leaving, I spied a small sign annoucing the writer's visit and book signing the next afternoon.

We returned a little early the next day expecting a big crowd for the promotion of his newest novel. Happily, it was an audience of about 20 kids and parents. He spoke for fifteen minutes or so, and then fielded questions from the audience. Laura asked why he wrote his new book Spaceheads. His reply was that he read on the internet that waves from earth travel into space forever, and he wondered what aliens would think about life on earth based on commercials they see.

Mary wanted to know his favorite thing about being an author. Without missing a beat, he answered, "Sleeping in and getting money in the mail." He's really a funny guy in person and as an author. I often read his Time Warp books to my class since they fit perfectly with my history curriculum and contain lots of 'boy' humor, hysterical to all 11 year olds and the teachers who love them.

"Seriously," he continued to Mary, "It's an amazing feeling to see your books in print. Seeing them finished and on the shelf is the best part of being an author."

Since it was such a small group, he engaged in personal conversation with each family and posed for pictures during the signing. And, on the way home? Silence in the backseat as they devoured their newly autographed copies.

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Happy Fourth of July!

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Friday, July 2, 2010